"Johanna is the best. Passionate, patient and a lot of fun, she nurtures a love of music in her pupils, helping them to not just play beautifully, but also play from the heart. We count ourselves very lucky to have found her - the classes are the highlight of our daughter's week! We couldn’t recommend her highly enough."
Pam, Molly's Mum
"Stephen has been taking lessons with First Strings for 3 years (starting as a complete beginner) and he has loved every minute of it and come a very long way.  Johanna is a remarkable music teacher who is patient and intuitive with the kids.  She is flexible and goes the extra mile, often suggesting new extra songs to learn or taking the time to send tab versions of songs my son really wants to learn.  When COVID struck we were worried that lessons would not be the same, but the small class sizes over ZOOM have been a wonderful success.

Stephen says: "Johanna is really cool.  I especially love the rock elements to our classes and how Johanna demonstrates epic stuff like effects pedals and all her various awesome guitars.”
Deneka, Stephen's Mum

"I would just like to add that the lessons through lockdown were a god send to try and maintain some sort of routine and normality through very strange times! Thank you!"
Marilyn, Ethan's Mum
"With lots of encouragement from Johanna, Andrew progressed from complete beginner with no musical background, to confidently playing riffs and chords from his favourite music in next to no time. When everything stopped because of COVID, Johanna quickly moved to an online class format and it has been fantastic - the same fun lessons with the new friends he made, but from the comfort of home. After more than 18 months he's still interested, still learning, and sounding great too!"
Katrina, Andrew's Mum
"With First Strings guitar classes my 7 year old son continues to progress fantastically from week to week, Johanna's teaching style is great.  My son loves his First Strings guitar lessons and looks forward to them every single week! 

Each lesson spurs him on to practice before and after as he is learning songs he loves to listen to.  Johanna teaches fun songs and music that all the pupils enjoy and love.  An excellent guitar tutor who expertly delivers fun filled practical lessons over Zoom – I would recommend First Strings to anyone looking for a guitar tutor."
Mark, Scout's Dad
"We think the sessions are brilliant and fun and just the right mix of engaging and relaxed. The kids enjoy the class because they get to play tunes fast and we as parents are happy with the progress they are making. They adore Johanna and love chatting to her because she is so friendly and patient. We can see how Johanna's encouraging approach totally works.

Lately, the Halloween Party (session) in particular was a proper highlight to the kids that they were so excited about. Johanna was very flexible moving our scheduled try-out session online at the beginning of lockdown and helped us stay sane during those difficult first weeks as the guitar class was a lovely constant feature each week and something to look forward to. It's also very useful to be sent material between classes so that the kids have the resources that they need to practise."
Ilse, Sophia and Oban's Mum
"Rather than getting too bogged down in theory, Johanna really shines in simply getting kids playing, in a way they're comfortable with, and within a relaxed and easy-going group environment - even over a Zoom lesson, which has been particularly invaluable this year. But as skills develop through practice, I find that my son does become more and more capable of understanding notation and concepts - it's just that the joy and fun of playing music comes first."

Tommy says: "Every Thursday I really look forward to our guitar lesson. We have a lot of fun and learn new songs every week! We have a Google Classrooms page so if we forget how to play something then all the work we do is on there."
Lex, Tommy's Dad

Abby’s confidence has soared since starting her lessons. She has always been a very shy girl and at first I thought she would struggle meeting new people and particularly playing guitar in front of them but there has never been an issue, she loves attending every week.

I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Johanna for teaching guitar as every lesson is tailored to each age group and abilities. The lessons are made fun for the children whilst building their skills and confidence. I am so thrilled with how Abby has come along since starting her lessons, she loves attending and wishes she could come every day!”

Anne-Marie, Abby's Mum
“I thought music lessons were quite serious and a little dull. I also felt that for a lot of guitar tutors teaching is not necessarily their primary vocation – but something they do on the side.

Johanna is extremely passionate about music and guitar tuition. It is very much her vocation and she develops an excellent rapport with her students. She is extremely positive and encouraging to her students and this is highly motivating for them and reassuring for parents, especially when they witness the great progress their child makes.

Lessons have definitely increased Alex’s confidence and self-esteem – particularly the concerts which he loves – he enjoys practicing for them and he is very proud of himself afterwards!”
Andy, Alex's Dad

“I had a perception of guitar lessons as being rather staid and academic, a serious pursuit. I now view the guitar lessons Archie has with Johanna as a joyful experience, where Archie learns to play in a more relaxed and fun way. He has been introduced to a wide range of genres, and he is very keen to investigate these further.

Archie is proud of his achievements and will happily play in front of friends and family, and at the shows that Johanna puts on to showcase her students’ efforts. He is confident and motivated and the lessons are something he looks forward to, even if he’s having a bad week. Archie plays a lot of competitive sport and I think his lessons with Johanna are almost the antidote to this. This positive experience means he is now open to trying new things even outside of his guitar lessons. If you are looking for a guitar teacher who will nurture your child’s interest in music then I would recommend Johanna.”

Kirsty, Archie's Mum

“I wasn’t sure what to expect with guitar lessons – I thought that the format would be quite formal and that Hannah would need to learn to read music first before attempting to play any notes. Johanna’s method has made it easier for Hannah to learn songs more quickly and her lessons have the right balance of being relaxed but challenging. Hannah really loves playing the guitar and likes to teach me what she’s learnt so that we can play together. She has become good friends with the other children in her group and looks forward to the classes each week.

I would recommend Johanna as a guitar teacher as her relaxed and fun teaching style creates an ideal environment for children to make good progress in their learning. She is friendly and encouraging and allows her students to have a say in what music they learn to play, which keeps them interested and keen to learn.”

Fiona, Hannah's Mum

“Scott had previously been to another teacher and although he was learning new songs, there wasn’t much structure to the lessons or what goals Scott would be working towards. Since starting lessons with Johanna Scott’s skill base has vastly expanded and it gives him confidence when he can try new techniques. He loves rock music and being able to play songs that he likes. He looks forward to his lesson every week and is always practicing what he has been taught the previous week.

I would recommend Johanna due to her natural ability in teaching children. The lessons provided are well structured and feedback is available after lessons with regular updates on your child’s progress.”

Yvonne, Scott's Mum
“I came along to First Strings last year with my eight year old daughter, had a free trial session which was very helpful to give us an insight of the surroundings and teacher. I find Johanna extremely knowledgable in her job – she is child friendly, reliable and professional.

The lesson each week flies by my daughter tells me, she aways leaves full of beans wanting me to hear a new tune or chord she has practiced. We hear her improving all the time which is helped too from the homework given out. For me personally Johanna is an outstanding guitar teacher, and I feel lucky to have found her for my daughter.”
Nicola, Hannah's Mum

“We didn’t really know what to expect from the lessons except that we wanted Hugh to feel confident and enjoy it, so when he started we were delighted to see right from the start how much he loved it. We had an idea it might be quite formal which would have been OK but Johanna has a way of teaching while still making it fun – Hugh never moans about going to his guitar lesson! He loves the relaxed surroundings and the pace of the lessons. Hugh also loves that he is consulted about what songs to work on so if he has heard a tune at home and loved it he can maybe learn that one during the lesson.

I would certainly recommend Johanna’s lessons to another parent. The children learn well and never seem stressed about what they are doing, it is a lot of fun and Hugh is happy that he may just be a rock star one day! I feel Johanna is really interested in every child and takes time to get to know them a bit so they are comfortable with her.”

Amanda, Hugh's Mum

“I believed guitar lessons would probably take some getting used to for Jonah and maybe quite difficult initially for him learning all the music symbols/notes etc. Upon speaking with Johanna about the classes she offered I soon discovered she had a whole different and much easier method in the way she taught and I was bowled over after Jonah’s first lesson that he was able to play me a tune! Jonah’s favourite part of the lessons is learning new songs to play. Its also a great opportunity for him to meet new people out-with his home and school environment and he has shown leaps of confidence in himself which has contributed in his adjustment into high school.

Johanna has a very warm, caring, super positive and fun-bubbly personality. It’s so apparent she loves to teach and my son has definitely felt the benefit of her enthusiasm in class. I would recommend these lessons with Johanna as they are a fantastic way to introduce or continue on guitar for your child! (Secretly hoping she will branch out to teaching adults soon!)”

Sharita, Jonah's Mum
“Katie has enjoyed meeting and getting to know the other kids in her class and enjoys playing with them. She enjoys the relaxed, fun atmosphere and the variety of songs and styles. She likes the fact that she can ask to learn songs by artists that she enjoys. I would recommend Johanna because she is passionate about music and shares her knowledge with enthusiasm. She develops positive nurturing relationships with her students and creates a fun, relaxed learning environment.”
Catriona, Katie's Mum

“When Benno wanted to learn the guitar I was a bit worried that he might give up if the classes would be too formal, directed towards exams etc. and the “wrong” music. Since Benno is into rock music I thought it would be difficult to find the right class for him. When he came to Johanna for the first time he left highly motivated and started practicing right away. The fact that Johanna teaches him songs he likes or he can relate to motivates him to practice, makes him play well and as a result he enjoys the whole experience. He loves his electric guitar and the relaxed, fun atmosphere during lessons.

The sense of achievement whenever he plays really well is very good for his confidence. He even taught a friend, who had never played the guitar, how to play “Smoke on the Water” recently. We can highly recommend Johanna’s classes. Benno loves the fun, relaxed atmosphere, the cool songs he learns and always comes out with a big smile on his face.”

Christiane, Benno's Mum
“I thought guitar lessons may be one to one, and quite intense. Needing lots of practicing, with fairly slow progress. However with Johanna and First Strings, Adam has progressed quickly and smoothly. The group lessons are relaxed, friendly and interesting. The number method used (rather than having to learn to read music) is very efficient and easy to put into practice.

Adam is much more aware musically, and has taught himself various tunes on the piano since learning the guitar. Adam has only ever been to First Strings for lessons, and we see no need to go elsewhere! I would recommend First Strings as Johanna is friendly and approachable.”
Marion, Adam's Mum
“Before Anna started taking lessons I thought that the only option was to have a one-to-one tutor at your own house and that it would be expensive. With the group tutoring it is more affordable and a more sociable learning environment. Anna was pleased that very quickly she was able to play a few tunes even although she hadn’t played the guitar before. She always looks forward to her guitar lessons and we often hear her practising in her room.”
Margaret, Anna's Mum
“Alex was keen to learn a musical instrument but didn’t have much confidence that he would be able to do it. We agreed with him that he would try and could stop if he didn’t enjoy it. We’ve been delighted with how he has learned the instrument and that he’s come to enjoy playing at home and showing us the new pieces and chords he’s learned.

Alex isn’t always very confident, particularly about new things, but learning the guitar has given him something that he knows he can do and that he can impress others with. Alex genuinely looks forward to his lessons every week and has learned an awful lot in a relatively short space of time.”
Matt, Alex's Dad
“I did not expect guitar lessons to be so interactive for the students. Eva has enjoyed many things about her lessons and is now more confident performing in front of others. She thinks that Johanna is a good listener, doesn’t let anyone feel stuck and that she makes guitar fun.”
Sarah, Eva’s Mum
“Before Archie started lessons I wouldn’t have anticipated how much he enjoys playing guitar and how confident he is playing. Archie really enjoys the small group aspect and he very much enjoys performing. Guitar lessons with Johanna have definitely been very beneficial to his confidence and self esteem. I would and have recommended Johanna’s lessons. I always tell people how much Archie and the other children enjoy the group aspect of her lessons and also the music that they play. I also like the the fact that Johanna and Archie have a nice rapport.”
Helen, Archie's Mum
“During our year in Glasgow in 2013/2014, we wanted Chen Ying, then 4.5 years old to learn a musical instrument. That’s when we met Johanna. From the very first meeting we knew that we’ve found the right teacher. Johanna was friendly and engaging, she made the lessons fun and easy to understand. She makes children feel comfortable and at ease to learn. Chen Ying thoroughly enjoyed her lessons and looked forward to them every week. We also enjoyed the concerts that Johanna organizes as the students get to showcase the songs that they’ve learned.”
Lee Yen, Cheng Ying's Mum
“Mitchell attended other lessons prior to attending First Strings. The lessons were not age appropriate and the tutor, whilst very pleasant, seemed to struggle to relate to kids. Mitchell would moan every time he was to go. However Mitchell looks forward to his guitar lessons every week now. I knew straight away from the first meeting with Johanna that Mitchell would really enjoy learning the guitar. I’ve realised that, with the right teacher, kids can learn songs fairly quickly so that it is more fun for them. Mitchell likes to tell people he takes guitar lessons – it seems to give him some kudos amongst his friends. Also, it’s good that he has to work things out and practice to get better at something – this helps all areas.”
Jacqui, Mitchell’s Mum
“Johanna is professional and great with kids. Lily really enjoys learning songs that she knows, and the challenge of new work and trying to master it to be able to play back to us and others. I like Johanna’s approach to the material that she teaches – its relevant for kids, which makes Lily want to learn it.”
Nicola, Lily’s Mum